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Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Lambeth

These are the areas of our investigation into Lambeth Council and all it’s children’s homes which will appear in our report. If you have have any information on any of these topics please email in confidence to


Click here to view the transcript from Lambeth's IICSA preliminary hearing.


1st Preliminary Hearing Transcript (24th March 2016)


2nd Preliminary Transcript (27th July 2016)



Shirley Oaks History

  1. Sign of the Times


The Guardians, The Proprietors of Shirley Oaks  

  1. The Guardian’s Rules for Running Shirley Oaks 1903

  2. The Guardian’s History

  3. Shirley Oaks’ Proud History 


The London County Council 

  1. LCC History 1948 - 1965

  2. LCC Rules for Running Shirley Oaks


Management Involvement in Paedophilia

  1. Management Rules for Running Shirley Oaks 1950 - 1965

  2. The Start of the Abuse at Shirley Oaks 1950 - 1965

  3. Shirley Oaks Management / Paedophiles 


Lambeth’s Takeover of Shirley Oaks

  1. Lambeth History from 1965 - 1983

  2. Lambeth Rules for Running Shirley Oaks

  3. Social Services, Foster Parents and Adoptive Parents

  4. Facilitators / Peripatetic Staff


Paedophile Activity in Shirley Oaks

  1. Case Study on Paedophiles in the 38 Shirley Oaks Cottages

  2. The Infiltration of Paedophiles within Shirley Oaks Children’s Home


Surrounding Organisations and External Paedophiles

  1. Social Aunties and Uncles

  2. The Scouts and Cubs

  3. Churches

  4. Swimming Club

  5. Judo

  6. ILEA School

  7. Crystal Palace Football Club

  8. The Police


Shirley Oaks and the Decant 

  1. Case Study of Fern House - First Shirley Oaks House to be Decanted 



Lambeth Council

  1. Background to our Investigation

  2. The History of Lambeth Council

  3. Social Services History

  4. Corruption Within The Council

  5. Corporate Responsibility



  1. Operation Trawler

  2. Middleton/CHILE 


Analysis of Lambeth’s 15 Inquiries 

  1. Internal Investigations into Child Abuse 


Lambeth Council Management

  1. Lambeth Employed Paedophiles 1965 - 2000


An Overview of Paedophile Activity in Lambeth’s Children’s Homes

  1. The Activity of Paedophile

  2. Facilitators 


Case Study on Lambeth’s Children’s Homes

  1. Angell Road

  2. South Vale / Wood Vale

  3. Highland Road

  4. Chevington

  5. St Saviours

  6. Coronation Building

  7. Vauxhall Hostel

  8. Nottingham Road


Other Connected Children’s Homes

  1. The Den

  2. North Wales

  3. Bristol


Lambeth Council’s Child Care Obligations

  1. Social Services

  2. Social Services Inspectorate


Surrounding Organisations 

  1. The Association of Combined Youth Clubs (ACYC)

  2. The Lambeth Project

  3. Lambeth: Youth and Community in the Met Police (YAC)

  4. St Vincent De Paul and the Church

  5. The Metropolitan Police


Lambeth to Liverpool

  1. Lambeth’s Connection to Liverpool


Liability for Abuse

  1. Lambeth Council 

  2. Croydon Council

  3. The Police

  4. The Department of Health

  5. The State 

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